Marisol Malaret
Miami Beach, Florida

1st runner-up Debbie Shelton USA
2nd runner-up Joan Zealand AUSTRALIA
3rd runner-up Jun Shimada JAPAN
4th runner-up Beatriz Gros ARGENTINA
Eliane Fialho Thompson BRAZIL
Kristina Hanazalova CZECHOSLOVAKIA
Angelique Bourlessa GREECE
Hilary Ann Best GUAM
Mabel Hawkett HONG KONG
Anna Zamboni ITALY
Josephine Lena Wong Jaw Leng MALAYSIA
Britt-Inger Johansson SWEDEN
Bella Mercedes La Rosa de la Rosa
Miami Beach revelled at the 64 contestants gracing the pageant that year, the most number in the history of the pageant to date. On the day of Miss Universe 1970's homecoming, Puerto Rico's governor, Luis A. Ferre, proclaimed a half-holiday for all government workers. At her first press conference at Miss Universe headquarters in New York, defined beauty: "There are two kinds of beauty - inside and outside. A woman can be beautiful on the outside with nothing else, but a woman with beauty on the inside - that's perfect." When asked to compare older men and younger men, Marisol coyly replied, "It depends on what kind you prefer, and for what."
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