Maritza Sayalero
Perth, Australia

1st runner-up Gina Swainson BERMUDA( MISS WORLD 1979)
2nd runner-up Carolyn Seaward ENGLAND(MISS WORLD 1979 1ST RUNNER UP)
3rd runner-up Marta da Costa BRAZIL
4th runner-up Anette Ekstrom SWEDEN
Adriana Virginia Alvarez ARGENTINA
Sarita Diana Acosta BELIZE
Andrea Hontschik GERMANY
Lorraine Davidson SCOTLAND
Veronika Wilson SOUTH AFRICA
Mary Therese Friel USA
Janet Beverly Hobson WALES
Barely a few minutes into her reign as Miss Universe, Maritza Sayalero of Venezuela heard hysterical screams around her. The back of the stage designed to hold 75 people collapsed after a surge of 200 reporters and photographers onstage. Part of the stage collapsed, bringing along beauty queens and reporters down a 6-foot deep hole. Among those who fell were Miss Malta (Dain Borg Bartolo), Miss Turkey (Fusan Tahire Demirtan), Miss Philippines (Criselda Cecilio), second runner-up Miss England (Carolyn Seaward) and third runner-up Miss Brazil (Marta da Costa). On the lighter side, runner-up Gina Swainson of Bermuda went on to win the Miss World crown later that year.
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